1. For Individuals Or Owners, attach:-
    • Identification Documents, i.e. copy of I.D., pass port, Driving License etc
    • If there was name change attach proof: – i.e. affidavit, marriage certificate, adoption papers, divorce decree, etc.
    • If there was address change, attach proof: – i.e. water bills, electricity bills, telephone bills etc.
    • Proof of Ownership i.e. money orders, gift certificates, traveler’s cheques, insurance policies or any other documentation that may prove ownership.etc.

  2. Parent searching on Behalf of a Minor to submit:-
    • A copy of the minor child’s birth certificate and your identification documents.
    • Proof of the minor’s connection to the address or ownership of the item being claimed.
    • If possible identify type of financial claim and provide any documentation proof available
    • In case of death, provide copy of death certificate.

  3. Guardian, Trustee or Legal Representative to submit:-
    • Copy of court documents or signed legal documents giving you authority to act on behalf of owner.
    • If possible, a sworn affidavit or Power of Attorney that the grantor leaves and the power of attorney remains in full force and effect.
    • Available proof of owner’s connection to the address or ownership of the claim being made.
    • In case of death, provide copy of owner’s death certificate.

  4. Estate Executor/Administrator
    If you are acting as an administrator, executor or personal representative of an estate, submit the following:
    • Copy of owner’s death certificate.
    • Certificate of Confirmation of either Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration.
    • If possible list of Assets and Liabilities and their values.
    • If possible Copies of proof of ownership by the Deceased of the item being claimed e.g. Title Deeds, Log Books, Bank Statements, stocks certificates, bonds certificates, un-cashed cheques i.e. money orders, gift certificates, traveler’s cheques or any other documentation that may prove ownership.etc.
    • Available Proof of the deceased owner’s connection to the address or ownership of the item claimed.
    • List of children wife, husband, other beneficiaries or dependents of deceased & their ages.
Unclaimed assets on joint account, at least one holder may sign, submit claim forms and provide all necessary documentation in order to authenticate the claim. Where there are three or more unclaimed asset account holders listed, a majority of the account holders must make the claim. In either case, the repayment will be made payable to all parties listed on the account. If there has been change in circumstance (e.g., death, divorce etc.) any available documentation confirming the change should be submitted together with the claim forms.
The easiest way to determine if the person listed, is to provide the holding institution with all necessary documentation in your possession to verify ownership or you can register with ARC Africa to trace the assets for you.
No, as long as you are the rightful owner or beneficiary there is no time limit set out by law unless directed otherwise by the law. Holding institution will hold unclaimed funds in trust until the funds are claimed by the owner or beneficiaries. The Holding institution never takes ownership of the money, it is held for you until you claim it if at any time you can prove the money is yours.
A. Once an Asset(s) or property is reported as unclaimed, holding institution will make diligent effort to locate the missing owners and reunite them with their lost assets.
The funds are held by custodians appointed by the State until the rightful owners or their heirs come forward or are found
Yes. When holders or beneficiary of the financial property use private service providers, we charge a fee to search the lost assets and nominal commission fee calculated as a percentage of proceeds from the successful search.
Yes, If you are searching multiple assets, you may register once, attach copies of “Asset Details and required documentation” for each additional asset or property you are searching for.
Following payment of registration fee, ARC Africa will search its database and may make enquiries of such institutions you listed as shall be considered appropriate based on the information you will have provided.
Search reference number is a unique number assigned by our office when you file a search of unclaimed financial asset. This number is printed on the confirmation mail sent to your registered email and is printed on all correspondence we send to you about your search package.

You may file a search for assets of a deceased owner if only you are a beneficiary, i.e. blood relatives such as a mother, father, siblings, children, nieces and nephews. A non- blood relative may also file a search, i.e. Trustee, Executor or an Administrator. Search in ARC Africa for Customer. Also see below on FAQ the required documents to file search for deceased owner, to prove ownership or relationship with owner.

Yes. Our main business is to search for original owners or beneficiaries and re-unite them with unclaimed financial assets reported in our database. ARC Africa carries out due diligence to determine if rightful owner is alive or deceased and finally, who their rightful beneficiaries might be.
We recommend you search in our database. Search in ARC Africa for Customer for the names of your family members who might have departed without disclosing their financial records.

This is a company or firm whose core business is to search and re-unite owners or beneficiaries with their unclaimed financial asset using information gathered from holding institutions and clients searching for their assets.

Our Services

  • Assist financial institutions address the issue of unclaimed assets. learn more
  • Assist members of the public recover their money or unclaimed financial assets. learn more